

Employee Spotlight: Kathy Stewart


地点: Clarksburg分支
职称: Business Service Specialist
任职期间: 17年
Briefly describe your involvement in agriculture. I am unofficially involved in our local FFA and 4-H through our grandkids, 猎人 and Hayleigh. We have been involved with the 4-H since our daughter and son-in-law moved to Tyler County, 大约7年前. We love being as involved as possible with both groups. We attend events and help with fundraisers. It's been a real blessing to be able to spend this time watching the kids growing, 帮助和学习. On the farm, we love going out and helping feed and care for the animals. We get a big kick out of our oldest grandson, 猎人 (aka The Chicken Man). They've taught me a lot about animals through this adventure. They've raised pigs, cattle and chickens and now we have a new donkey, Sen ‘or Luopie. It's a blast and I know I'm always in for a new adventure with the grands!
跟体育彩票外围平台说说你的宠物吧. It's been about 4 years now since we lost our little Peekaboo and I swore I would not have another house dog. The summer of 2021 I went to my family reunion and I met my cousin's little dog, Clarence. He's a Bagel (half Basset/half Beagle). I fell in love with him and asked where she got him. After talking with my husband, we decided to see if we could get ahold of the guy. I messaged him and asked if he had any puppies from that litter left and he did, but only ONE!  He sent me a couple of pics and it was love at first sight. The next day my husband went and picked up Beau. 他就像体育彩票外围平台的小男孩. He's spoiled rotten and is ornery as all get out. He can be quite the handful, too. He keeps us on our toes, that's for sure!  

Has anyone in particular in your family had a significant impact on you? 这是一个简单的问题. 体育彩票外围平台15岁的孙子, 猎人, has probably had the biggest impact on my life, especially over the past 4 years or so. 他是个了不起的年轻人! I know I'm prejudice but it's really true. 当他11岁的时候, he was in a bad accident involving a pto shaft and we thought he would lose his left arm, 如果不是他的生命. This is when 猎人 found his salvation and his faith shined through! From the very 1st day, 猎人 was never concerned for his own well-being. He never lost his smile and throughout the healing process, he was eager to do whatever he could to help someone else. He is a hard worker and never turns away from a challenge. 猎人 is always eager and willing to learn. He has such a strong faith and his pure heart is still shining through! 猎人 is his Nana's hero in so many ways! His is the kind of person I strive to be.

What's at the top of your bucket list? I have always had one place that I wanted to visit at the top of my bucket list and that is to see Israel. I got an invite to go and we were planning our trip 2 years ago. We were set to leave at the end of March, just as the pandemic hit and everything was put on hold. We finally took our trip in April!
What is your favorite place you ever visited? I spent 2 years living and working in Sigonella, Sicily, Italy with the US Navy. It was an absolutely amazing experience. Our youngest daughter was born there and because she was born in an italian hospital, she can claim a dual citizenship.  Sigonella is basically a volcano and I saw it erupt twice while we were there. The people and culture was something I never thought I would experience and will be an experience I will never forget.
你如何定义成功? I define success as being happy at what you do. I don't think it's so much the career path you choose, but that you look forward to getting up each morning and doing it again.  
What is your favorite thing about Farm Credit? My favorite thing about Farm Credit is the people. I love our customer-owners. 有些日子, I will admit can be challenging, but our people always have a way of making my day a little brighter. Not just our customer-owners, but our Farm Credit family is top-notch. We truly are a family here and there have been many times throughout the last 17年 that they have shined through for me.  

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